Louisiana Lawyer Dot Com

Exampes of Notable Verdicts in the United States
June 2005, Eli Lilly & Co. announced that it will
pay $690 million to settle approximately three-quarters
of the liability claims against Zyprexa, its great-selling anti-psychotic
drug. The lawsuits claim that the labeling on Zyprexa medications failed
to provide adequate warning that the drug could put patients at risk
for developing diabetes and other glucose
2006 - Environmental Damages Toxic Tort
- A federal jury verdict has awarded thousands of property owners $352
million for property damage caused by the closed Rocky Flats
nuclear bomb plant in Colorado.
August - 2006 - 51 MILLION DOLLARS -
Awarded by Federal Court Jury in New Orleans - Merck
faced 2 major setbacks in the same week. In New Orleans, the court and
jury found that Merck "knowingly misrepresented or failed to disclose"
information about Vioxx to retired FBI agent Gerald Barnett's doctors.-
Awarding $50 million in compensatory damages along with $1 million in
punitive damages, saying Merck "acted in wanton, malicious,
willful or reckless disregard for the plaintiff's rights." Further,
on the same day in New Jersey, state Superior Court Judge Carol Higbee
ruled that new evidence uncovered since the November verdict showed
that Merck withheld information showing heart
attacks could come with use of Vioxx for less than 18 months.
June 2005, Eli Lilly & Co. announced that it will
pay $690 million to settle approximately three-quarters
of the liability claims against Zyprexa, its great-selling anti-psychotic
drug. The lawsuits claim that the labeling on Zyprexa medications failed
to provide adequate warning that the drug could put patients at risk
for developing diabetes and other glucose
2005 - In what may be one of the biggest massive medical
malpractice tort verdicts in the state of Texas, a state jury
awarded $606 million - including a remarkable $ 600 million
dollars in punitive damages - to the family of an 82-year-old
patient who had cancer and then who died after receiving an overdose
of chemotherapy drugs. 2005 -
In the 9th big loss for Ford in SUV Explorer rollover
cases, a Florida jury awarded $61.2 million to the
parents of an 18-year-old boy who was killed in a 1997 (wrongful
death & Product Defect and Product Liability Issues)
A Jury in New Jersey found recently that Vioxx
significantly contributed to a 77-year-old man's heart attack
awarded him $9 million in punitive damages, raising
Merck & Co.'s liability in the case to $13.5 million and intensifying
pressure on it to settle such lawsuits.
Example of Personal Injury Case 2004 : Ford Explorer rollover-prone
and roof not crash safe and worthy- CASE TYPE : Product
Design Defect, Auto Truck Vehicle - SUV, Motor Vehicle – Rollover CASE
: Buell-Wilson v. Ford Motor Co., San Diego Co., Calif., Super. Ct.
GIC 800836 Los Angeles, Calif. JURY VERDICT: ($369 Millions
Example of Personal Injury Lawyer Case 2004 : Dodge Caravan
seatback collapsed on baby in a car-seat - CASE TYPE
: Automobiles, Products Liability - Product Design Defect, Wrongful
Death, Motor Vehicle - Rear-ender, Motor Vehicle - Passenger, Motor
Vehicle - Minivan CASE : Flax v. DaimlerChrysler Corp., Davidson Co.,
Tenn., Cir. Ct. O2C-1288 JURY VERDICT : $105,500,000 (105 Million
Dollars )
Mass Toxic Tort Verdicts - The New York
Supreme Court, Appellate Division, First Department, in a published
decision, upheld the July 2003 jury verdict in favor of: Angel Gomez,
who died following the trial, and the late Daniel Tucker. Both gentlement
worked with and around asbestos-containing welding rods. The NY jury
awarded Gomez a total of approximately $3.19 million against Lincoln
Electric Company ("Lincoln"), reduced 25 percent since Gomez
was a cigarette smoker. Tucker's estate was granted a total of approximately
$3.5 million split between Lincoln and Hobart Brothers Company ("Hobart").
2005 – Billion Dollar Verdicts - In one of 2005's largest
verdicts to an individual plaintiff regarding financial fraud
, a Florida jury ordered Morgan Stanley Broker Dealer to pay $1.45
billion to investor Ronald O. Perelman for defrauding him in
the sale of his camping gear company - Coleman.
2005 - February, a prominent Houston law firm and a Texas
bank were SMACKED and Beaten with a $65.5 million verdict
in a highly complex estate planning case that involved major problems
and conflicts of interest. (65 million dollar jury award)
2004 - Bar liable for worker who got drunk on
the job & hit construction flagger - CASE TYPE: Dram Shop
Drunk Driver - Motor Vehicle - Alcohol Involvement CASE: Tuski v. Ivyland,
Philadelphia Co., Pa.,Ct. C.P. Feb. Term 2002 No. 4436 JURY VERDICT:
$75,684,000 75 Million Verdict
2005 – 3 years after a jury acquitted a company in Florida
of manslaughter and criminal charges, a Florida civil jury SLAMMED the
outdoor advertiser with a $65 million jury award verdict
for the shock and electrocution of a sixth-grade boy.
Jet Pilot Wins $64 Million For Age Discrimination
- In December, a Los Angeles California jury found that PrivatAir -
an aviation company focusing on private airline services - wrongfully
fired Captain Doyle D. Baker on the basis of his age, defaming him in
the termination process and causing extreme emotional distress. *2005

the extent that regulatory or State Bar rules require websites to designate
a principal office and/or single attorney responsible for this site.
George S. Mentz, Esq. of Mentz Law, LLC. Mailing Address: 8201 Peach
St., New Orleans, LA 70118 Phone: 504-495-1748 *
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Lawyer's Rules of Professional Conduct (1985)
The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not
be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to
send you free written information about our qualifications and experience.
Florida Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 4-7.2(d) (1997).
There is no procedure for review or approval of specialist certification
organizations in Hawaii.
Hawaii Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 7.4(c) (1997).
The Supreme Court of Illinois does not recognize certifications
of specialties in the practice of law and that the certificate,
award or recognition is not a requirement to practice law in Illinois.
Illinois Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 7.4(c)(2) (1997).
The determination of the need for legal services and the choice
of a lawyer are extremely important decisions and should not be
based solely upon advertisements or self-proclaimed expertise. This
disclosure is required by rule of the Supreme Court of Iowa.
Memberships and offices in legal fraternities and legal societies,
technical and professional licenses, and memberships in scientific,
technical and professional associations and societies of law or
field of practice do not mean that a lawyer is a specialist or expert
in a field of law, nor do they mean that such a lawyer is necessarily
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A description or indication of limitation of practice does not mean
that any agency or board has certified such lawyer as a specialist
or expert in an indicated field of law practice, nor does it mean
that such lawyer is necessarily any more expert or competent than
any other lawyer.
All potential clients are urged to make their own independent investigation
and evaluation of any lawyer being considered. This notice is required
by rule of the Supreme Court of Iowa.
See Iowa Code of Professional Responsibility DR 2-101(A), DR 2-101(C),
DR 2-105(A)(3)(c) (1997).
"This is an advertisement. Kentucky law does not certify specialties
of legal practice." [Rule 3.135(5)(b)(ii)] Kentucky Rules of
the Supreme Court (1990)
Per Louisiana Rule of Professional Conduct 7.4, any description
of an attorney biography or resume does not imply certification,
specialization or expertise in any particular areas of law, unless
a particular lawyer lists or holds a certification or other expertise
recognized by the applicable State Bar or regulatory authority.
G. Mentz is a licensed attorney and member of the Mentz Firm Law,
LLC and all services herein and contact forms or communications
may be managed by outside counsel
Material contained in this web site is for general information only
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If a Massachusetts lawyer holds himself or herself out as "certified"
in a particular service, field or area of law by a non-governmental
body, the certifying organization is a private organization, whose
standards for certification are not regulated by the Commonwealth
of Massachusetts.
See Massachusetts Code of Professional Responsibility DR 2-105(B)
An attorney who is certified as a specialist under the National
Board of Trial Advocacy (NBTA) may communicate the fact that the
attorney has been or was certified by that particular certifying
agency as a specialist in the area of law involved.
The Mississippi Supreme Court advises that a decision on legal services
is important and should not be based solely on advertisements.
Free Background information is available upon request to a Mississippi
The listing of any area of practice by a Mississippi attorney does
not indicate any certification of expertise therein.
See Mississippi Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 7.2(d), Rule
7.4(a), Rule 7.6(a) (1997).
Neither the Supreme Court of Missouri nor the Missouri Bar reviews
or approves certifying organizations or specialist designations.
Missouri Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 7.4 (1997).
Neither the state bar of Nevada nor any agency of the State Bar
has certified any lawyer identified here as a specialist or as an
expert. Anyone considering a lawyer should independently investigate
the lawyer's credentials and ability.
Nevada Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 198 (1997).
Any certification as a specialist, or any certification in a field
of practice, that does not state that such certification has been
granted by the Supreme Court of New Jersey or by an organization
that has been approved by the American Bar Association, indicates
that the certifying organization has not been approved, or has been
denied approval, by the Supreme Court of New Jersey and the American
Bar Association.
See New Jersey Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 7.4(b) (1997).
information on this site pertains to Class Actions only and is offered
as a public information service. It is not intended to give legal
advice about a specific legal problem, nor does it create an attorney-client
relationship. Due to the importance of the individual facts of every
case, the generalizations we make may not necessarily be applicable
to any particular issue. Changes in the law could at any time make
parts of this web site obsolete. This information is provided with
the understanding that if legal advice is required the services
of a competent attorney should be sought. If you leave our site
to another domain, please read their terms and disclaimers before
taking any action.
Any certification by an organization other than the New Mexico Board
of Legal Specialization does not constitute recognition by the New
Mexico Board of Legal Specialization, unless the lawyer is also
recognized by the board as a specialist in that area of law.
See New Mexico Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 16-704(D) (1997).
"Representations of specialty do not indicate state certification
of expertise." [Rule 2.5] Rules of Professional Conduct (1985)
Dakota: Colorado and North Dakota do not certify attorneys as specialists
in any field.
Since legal advice must be tailored to the specific circumstances
of each case, and since laws are constantly changing, nothing you
read on our website should be used as a substitute for the advice
of your own attorney. In other words, don't rely on what you read
on this website without first checking with a real, live attorney.
The Rhode Island Supreme Court licenses all lawyers in the general
practice of law. The court does not license or certify any lawyer
as an expert or specialist in any field of practice.
Rhode Island Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 7.4 (1998).
"Notice: For the general information of the public. Attorneys
listing areas of practice...have not been certified by the State
Supreme Court of South Dakota, or the state bar of South Dakota,
as having any more experience or being any more competent in these
areas than any other attorney. All potential clients are urged to
make their own independent investigation and evaluation of any attorney
being considered." [Rule 7.4] Rules of Professional Responsibility
Unless otherwise indicated, Tennessee attorneys are not certified
as specialists by the Tennessee Commission on Continuing Legal Education
and Specialization in the areas of practice listed on their profiles.
See Tennessee Code of Professional Responsibility DR 2-101(C)(3)
Unless otherwise indicated, Texas attorneys are Not Certified by
the Texas Board of Legal Specialization in the areas of practice
listed on their profiles.
See Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 7.04(b)(3)
Material contained in this web site is for general information only
and does not constitute legal advice or solicitation of legal services.
Transmission of information from this site is not intended to create,
and its receipt does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship
between the law firm, or owners or managers of this website and
the reader. In the event that any information on this web site does
not conform fully with regulations in any jurisdiction, this legal
services firm will not accept representation based on that information.
The Supreme Court of Washington does not recognize certification
of specialties in the practice of law. Any certificate, award, or
recognition by a group, organization or association used by a Washington
attorney to describe his or her qualifications as a lawyer or qualifications
in any subspecialty of law is not a requirement to practice law
in the State of Washington.
See Washington Rules of Professional Responsibility Rule 7.4(b)
The Wyoming State Bar does not certify any lawyer as a specialist
or expert. Anyone considering a lawyer should independently investigate
the lawyer's credentials and ability, and not rely upon advertisements
or self-proclaimed expertise.
Wyoming Rules of Professional Conduct for Attorneys at Law Rule
7.4 (1997).
the extent that regulatory or State Bar rules require websites to
designate a principal office and/or single attorney responsible
for this site. George S. Mentz, Esq. of Mentz Law, LLC. Mailing
Address: 8201 Peach St., New Orleans, LA 70118 Phone: 504-495-1748
"The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision
that should not be based solely upon advertisements."